Budget-friendly... Can be used as a stand-alone study guide without having to purchase a $50. textbook.
Provides step-by-step instructions for assembling the Professional Portfolio.
Includes a helpful training hours worksheet.
Includes a handy pouch for storing your transcripts or training certificates.
Includes a Professional Portfolio Checklist, with helpful hints and clarification of each Resource Collection item.
Provides easy-to-understand guidance for writing the Statements of Competence, with space for rough drafts.
Provides space for reflecting on the Family Questionnaires responses.
Includes an Activity Plan template to use for RC II 1-9.
Includes an Observation Tool template to use for RC V.
Provides Sample Questions to prepare for the CDA Exam.
Includes the Self-Study Exercise, noted by former CDA Candidates as "the most valuable activity in preparation for the Observation."
Includes the Professional Philosophy Exercise, taking a Candidate who has never written a philosophy statement through a series of easy-to-follow steps in order to produce a great statement for the Portfolio.
Provides individual pages for recording important information, such as... Name & contact information of the PD Specialist; Location, date, and time of the scheduled CDA Exam, etc.
Includes spaces to formulate answers to the questions that will be asked by the PD Specialist.
Includes spaces to brainstorm short and long-term goals for future professional development.
Provides information about renewing the CDA, with space to record the date your CDA expires.